We automatically process so-called cookies on this website. We only use technically necessary cookies.

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit websites or apps. Your web browser (for example, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) sends these cookies back to the website or application on each subsequent visit so that you can be recognised and remembered, for example, personal details or user preferences. Cookies will not harm your system. You can reset your browser to refuse any cookie or to be notified when a cookie is sent.

We use cookies for system administration and to analyse traffic to our website to improve the user experience and service. In particular, this provides us with information about the number of visitors to different parts of our website.

We do not share this information with third parties. Our cookies do not store data such as your name or address, but rather allow us to see your behaviour on the site, which will help to improve your user experience. However, if you wish to restrict, block or remove cookies from our site or another website, you can use your browser to do so. Every browser is different, so please refer to the "Help" menu of your specific browser (or mobile phone manual) to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

How to control cookies

There are various ways you can control and manage cookies, which are described in more detail below. However, remember that any settings you change will not only affect cookies. These changes will apply to all websites you visit (unless you choose to block cookies only from specific websites). Managing cookies in your browser

Most modern browsers allow you to:

Většina moderních prohlížečů Vám umožní:

•    See what cookies you have and delete them individually.
•    Block third-party cookies
•    Block cookies from specific websites
•    Block all cookies from being sent
•    Delete all cookies when you close your browser

You should be aware that if you delete cookies, any preferences will be lost. This includes sites where you have opted out of cookies, as this requires you to set your cookies to opt out. If you block cookies, many websites will not work properly and some features on those websites will not work at all.

Learn more about cookies and how to manage them

To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, please visit aboutcookies.org Please note that we cannot be responsible for the content of external websites.


2025 © TO TEMPO, z.s. | IČ 27046427 | Klánova 371/50, Hodkovičky, 147 00 Praha | Používáme cookies - více informací »

Ceník tenis
areály Lhotka a Modřany 


Individuální trénink s trenérem (60 min) - 540 Kč

Trénink ve dvojici (60 min) - 290 Kč


2. 9. 2024 - 29. 6. 2025

 Tenisové lekce je nutné uhradit vždy předem za účtovací cyklus (pololetí) a to převodem na bankovní účet: 43-7909110297/0100, nebo v hotovosti na recepci klubu





 (permanentka je platná od 7.10.2024 - 13.4.2025)



Permanentka je přenosná a je stanovena na pravidelný termín 1x týdně na 1 hodinu. Minimální částka, kterou můžete vložit do kreditu je 1 500 Kč.

Kreditem lze hradit sportovní služby poskytované areály Lhotka a Modřany.

Náhradu permanentkové hodiny je možné uplatnit pouze tehdy, pokud byla hodina zrušena minimálně do 19 hod. předchozího dne.


Veškeré nezaplacené rezervace a storno poplatky (klient si objedná tenisový dvorec, nedostaví se nebo nezruší svou rezervaci ve stanoveném termínu) jsou evidovány a areál TO Tempo bude požadovat jejich proplacení.

Storno poplatky

24 hodin předem 0 Kč

4 hodiny předem 50 %

méně než 4 hodiny předem 100 %




Rezervace kurtů