Tennis school Prague 4, courses, and training

Tennis school Tempo was founded in 1992. Since then it has raised many tennis players that share a lifelong love for this beautiful sport, either as professionals, or just recreational players that play during their free time. We have two convenient locations: Prague 4 Lhotka and Prague 4 Modřany.

Our tennis school operates all year long. It is divided into two seasons (September to January) and (February to June). In the winter months we train kids in our modern pressurized pavilions, which all together cover 5 tennis courts. Over the summer holiday, we teach tennis based on the children’s and parent’s individual choices. In July and August we organize tennis camps in Písek, as well as local tennis camps right here at our facilities. Tennis lessons are divided into several levels. Presently, we have approximately 120 children that are enrolled in our tennis school. They are split up into groups of 2, 3, or 4 with children that are in a similar age group and level of advancement. Alternatively, we offer individual tennis lessons for one-on-one coaching.

For kids that love tennis and want to further devote themselves to the sport, we offer competitions for a wide age range of players. They can also represent our club in competitions held by the Czech tennis association.

We trust that you will make use of our tennis school and that you will be pleased with our service.

We currently offer these forms of training

  • School for kids: kids ages 3.5 - 7
    Tennis school is designated for children that are in preschool and elementary school up to age 7. Kids are split up into groups of a maximum of 4 kids that meet during a time slot that works for everyone. Kids are introduced to tennis strategies and techniques. The point of this training is to teach children the basic tennis movements and the necessary skills needed in order to play tennis. Select children will be chosen to participate in the follow-up course minitennis. For minitennis use mini nets, mini rackets, and softer tennis balls that have a shorter rebound.
  • Minitennis: kids ages 5 and up
    For children that are interested in tennis and wish to further devote themselves to the sport.
    What is minitennis?
    Minitennis is miniature tennis for 5 year olds. They play tennis like adults on “normal” courts. Minitennis is smaller and includes a lower net. Tennis balls are lighter and softer, and for playing, kids use smaller and lighter rackets.
  • Individual and group courses: kids ages 7 and up
    Tennis courses for all performance level categories. Players are divided up  into groups of 2 to 4 kids based on their age group and level of advancement. Kids will improve their tennis strategy and technique, and widen their capabilities of basic physical movements. Upon completion of the course, kids try playing their first real tennis match. Select children will be chosen to represent our tennis club in the master tennis matches held by the Czech tennis association.
  • Individual courses: ages 7 and up
    For players that take tennis seriously. Tennis training for players that want to quickly improve their tennis skills, or get rid of bad tennis habits from the past. Emphasis is concentrated on player’s individual needs; anywhere from strategy and technique, to physical and mental player preparation.
  • Tennis camps
    In the summer months we organize traditional “summer holiday tennis camps for kids.” These summer tennis camps take place at several locations in the Czech Republic. During the month of August, local tennis camps take place at our facilities.

More information is available at the front desk, or by calling +420 736 401 113.

Tennis school Prague 4 - Lhotka

IMG 0612
baby tenis Tempo

TEMPO tennis

Prague 4 Lhotka a Prague 4 Modřany

2025 © TO TEMPO, z.s. | IČ 27046427 | Klánova 371/50, Hodkovičky, 147 00 Praha | Používáme cookies - více informací »

Ceník tenis
areály Lhotka a Modřany 


Individuální trénink s trenérem (60 min) - 540 Kč

Trénink ve dvojici (60 min) - 290 Kč


2. 9. 2024 - 29. 6. 2025

 Tenisové lekce je nutné uhradit vždy předem za účtovací cyklus (pololetí) a to převodem na bankovní účet: 43-7909110297/0100, nebo v hotovosti na recepci klubu





 (permanentka je platná od 7.10.2024 - 13.4.2025)



Permanentka je přenosná a je stanovena na pravidelný termín 1x týdně na 1 hodinu. Minimální částka, kterou můžete vložit do kreditu je 1 500 Kč.

Kreditem lze hradit sportovní služby poskytované areály Lhotka a Modřany.

Náhradu permanentkové hodiny je možné uplatnit pouze tehdy, pokud byla hodina zrušena minimálně do 19 hod. předchozího dne.


Veškeré nezaplacené rezervace a storno poplatky (klient si objedná tenisový dvorec, nedostaví se nebo nezruší svou rezervaci ve stanoveném termínu) jsou evidovány a areál TO Tempo bude požadovat jejich proplacení.

Storno poplatky

24 hodin předem 0 Kč

4 hodiny předem 50 %

méně než 4 hodiny předem 100 %




Rezervace kurtů